We sincerely thank you for your contribution to SDSC-UK 2023. Please read this policy carefully as it explains the conduct that are expected all who present at SDSC-UK.
SDSC-UK Speaker Code of Ethics
As a SDSC-UK Speaker you have an obligation to yourself and to SDSC-UK to represent yourself truthfully, professionally, and in a non-misleading manner.
You should be honest and accurate in presenting qualifications, experience and knowledge in all your communications with others.
Professional Conduct
SDSC-UK is committed to providing an environment that is comfortable and free from all forms of bullying and harassment.
The Equality Act 2010 defines harassment as unwanted conduct related to a relevant
protected characteristic that has the purpose or effect of violating the complainant’s dignity,
or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for the
You should always conduct yourself professionally, taking due account of legality, common standards of decency and context.
Speak in a professional and ethical manner so as neither to offend nor bring discredit to yourself or your fellow SDSC-UK Speakers, Visitors, Exhibitors, Sponsors, Partners, Staff or other Stakeholders.
Please be polite and do not intentionally insult, belittle or offend others in any content (whether written, verbal, pictorially, on social media or other online interactions on behalf of SDSC-UK).
Some bullying or harassment will constitute unlawful discrimination, e.g. if it relates to a person’s sex, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation, disability, age etc.
This includes, but is not limited to:
- Making threats of, or using, any form of physical violence
- Persistent or unwelcome encroachment of personal space
- Unwelcome sexual attention in any form
- Emotional abuse
- Making or using inappropriate discriminatory jokes and language
- Personal insults, especially those using discriminatory terms
- Blackmail, defamation, or seeking to harm the reputation or business of others.
- Advocating for, or encouraging, any of the above behaviour.
If you are subjected to any of these behaviours, or observe behaviour that is causing discomfort to others, which cannot be safely addressed at the time, then you should report the matter as soon as you can to the Organisers of SDSC-UK, and, if appropriate, the relevant authorities.
You shall exert efforts to understand your subject matter, approaches, goals and culture in advance of your presentation, in order to professionally apply your expertise to meet the SDSC-UK audience’s needs.
Intellectual Property
You shall avoid using – either orally or in writing – materials, titles or thematic creations originated by others unless approved in writing by the originator.
Respect & Collegiality
You should maintain a collegial relationship with your fellow Speakers that is based on respect, professional courtesy, dignity, and the highest ethical standards.
You should maintain and respect the confidentiality of business or personal affairs of SDSC-UK Stakeholders including other Speakers, Exhibitors, Sponsors, Partners, Visitors and staff.
Business Practices
You are obligated to maintain a high level of ethical standards and practices in order to assist in protecting SDSC-UK against fraud or any unfair practice and shall attempt to eliminate all practices that could bring discredit to the Organisation or its Stakeholders.
You should always:
- Hold the necessary licences and permissions to use images, music, video, and other content used in your presentations
- Act in accordance with this code
- Alert SDSC-UK of any situation which you feel might adversely affect the reputation of the SDSC-UK, which you cannot resolve.
Raising Concerns or Making Complaints
It is important that anyone, whether a Speaker, Visitor, Exhibitor, Sponsor, Partner, member of Staff or any other SDSDC-UK Stakeholder who interacts with any Speaker can raise a complaint easily and without fear of retaliation or being ignored. If you wish to raise a complaint, please do so by emailing Anna Roby-Welford CEO, anna@sdsc-uk.co.uk in the first instance.