Please find here your marketing assets which will help you to maximise the promotion of your attendance at SDSC-UK 2023.
Your Social Media Template can be downloaded here
Follow us on Social Media at:
@Specialist Defence and Security Convention UK (SDSC-UK) (LinkedIn)
Please tag us in any posts using @Specialist Defence and Security Convention UK (SDSC-UK) and our hashtag #sdsc_uk
Your Email Signature block
Your Email Signature block image can be downloaded here
- You will need to add the hyperlink to the image.
Please right-click and save the images for use.
Don't forget our PR & Comms Partners, Canny Comms, are on stand-by to support the promotion of your attendance at SDSC-UK 2023, including creating and promoting press releases, news articles and on-the-day interviews and launches.
Contact Seb Newton at for further information.