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IR Front and Rear Driving Light

  • IR Front and Rear Driving Light
  • IR Front and Rear Driving Light
IR Front and Rear Driving Light IR Front and Rear Driving Light

covert driving light

Installing a complete Oxley Night Vision lighting suite will significantly enhance the driving capabilities of any vehicle.

It’s on the darkest of nights in conditions of heavy overcast and low reflectivity terrain that you will benefit most from using the Oxley Covert Driving Lights. Drivers of vehicles in such conditions, with these driving lights fitted, have the advantage of driving at normal daylight speeds, whilst using Night Vision Goggles at night.

The lights produce a carefully tailored beam shape which has been designed to illuminate a precise area in front of the vehicle and maximise the performance of the goggle. They also maintain a low NVG signature which reduces the risk of detection by the enemy.

covert convoy/brake lights

Driving safely in convoy at night while using Night Vision Goggles is now possible with Oxley Covert Convoy Lights. These low intensity lights significantly enhance the drivers perception of distance and reduce the risks of running into the vehicle in front.

naval marine front and rear

IR lights These lights look like the Oxley IR driving lights but are sealed for river use. Rear convoy light flashes and combines an IR and a visible white light.


  • Engineering | Design | Manufacturing
  • Government | Military
  • Night vision | Optics | Optronics
  • Vehicles




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