National Covid-19 Drone Capability Taskforce
Behind the scenes we are working hard to push the capabilities of the drone industry and making sure that Government Departments are reminded of the expertise and capabilities of the Drone community in the UK.
Whilst we are considering several areas where drones could be used, we are particularly looking to relieve the current and future stress on resources in the Emergency Services. We are also looking at areas such as delivery of emergency food and medicine to vulnerable people, spraying of disinfectant, collection of imagery & video to help monitor various situations.
There are also current activities which could be expanded in scope because they reduce the risks to deliver vital inspections necessary to keep infrastructure running or maintain safety. These could include monitoring following flood or environmental activity and monitoring gas levels on sites.
It is also worth emphasising that drone operations do not involve large groups and reduce human presence directly on the ground and personal contact.
Note as a part of our GDPR commitment, but balancing the need to help where we can, the secure database created with this information will be destroyed when no longer required. If you could fill out the following, it would be really appreciated.
So, in preparedness for any possible callout, this is a request to the entire drone industry to ask whether you could help fight the battle against Coronavirus. We are aware there are 1000’s of Commercial Drone Operators out there, we may need your help.
Please go to our web page to register.